* gudubuku
День рождения:
27 Марта
Блог создан: 25 декабря 2009
Просмотров блога: 58
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How to Obtain New Skills in MapleStory

maple mesos is a mysterious game, many people that they think that leveling up with an assassin is pretty difficult. MapleStory Mesos Europe divided into separate categories by character profession that currently boasts over 80 individual skills to you choose from. This ensures new Maples are never overwhelmed by too much choice to begin with, while still allowing plenty of scope for variety. For instance, Beginners, the profession that all new characters start as have access to just three basic skills to help introduce the concept; one offensive, one defensive and one passive. This then increases to a much larger range of skills once players gain some experience and specialize as Warrior, Bowman, Thief or Magician, and even larger still once they progress to the next level of job specialization. Some of the skills are passive and designed to improve your offensive or defensive capabilities, such as the Thief been Eyes ability. Others are more p
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